Rose Tinted Glasses
Rose tinted glasses
She would put them on to paint with vibrant, daring lights.
Rose tinted glasses
Letting her imagination soar to mountain heights.
Rose tinted glasses
She was told to take them off, grow up, be wise.
Rose tinted glasses
Who would need more artists, dreamers and creators?
Those who’d bring enchantment
Through their dreamlike and surreal entreprise.
Rose tinted glasses
They became the symbol of her freedom
and her secret door to every masterpiece.
Rose tinted glasses
Her refuge into the world of visionary beauty
and the endless dreamscape of tremendous peace.
Rose tinted glasses
She would put them on to paint her mystic canvas
With extraordinary brushstrokes of delight.
Rose tinted glasses
Crafting tapestries that left the souls impassioned
Giving them the keys to their starlight.