The Ocean of Love

The heart can never be broken.

A broken heart is just an illusion. It's a big lie based on the philosophy of lack, and on the limited belief that we are only supposed to love a very small number of people during our time on this Earth. This lie of lack and restriction has been instilled into us through repetition and rehearsal, for thousands of years. It has created the illusion of separation that we use as the very excuse for having a “broken heart”. The big lie leads to the big pain, and we get caught in the vicious circle, unable to realize our full human potential, wasting our time on mending the heart that cannot be broken, healing the wounds that are not even supposed to exist.

But the simple truth is that love is never-ending, and its true, pure nature can never hurt us. 

Love can feel like it hurts only if we fall prey to the big lie and begin to believe that the heart can be broken, and that we can be abandoned. But in spiritual terms, none of this is possible. The heart can never break - because it’s never disconnected from the larger field of love of which it is part. And no other human being has so much power over us as to actually abandon us. 

Just like a drop of water can never be broken or abandoned because it has the everlasting support of the ocean, and because it is the ocean, in the same way your heart can never be broken because it is part of the vast cosmic ocean of Love.


I miss the music in the air


Solar eclipse